Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Throughout the course of my blog, I've identified many situations in which the media's impartiality is clearly tainted, our at the very least questionable. From Bill Clinton to the Occupy Wall Street movement and from MSNBC to Fox News, the modern media is certainly guilty of a degree of bias (and that, no doubt, goes for both sides of the political spectrum).

The problem, and it's a serious one, is that bias in the media presents a host of issues that have a serious effect on our country. Media bias can derail political campaigns (see Palin, Sarah), discredit or legitimize entire movements (Occupy and the Tea Party), and play a critical role in a number of momentous decisions made by our political leaders. The favor given to particular candidates like Mitt Romney or current President Barack Obama can, and forgive the sensationalism, literally sway the entire course of human history.

I hope that I have helped any readers realize that the mainstream media is no longer to be relied upon as a completely credible source. Readers and viewers have to now investigate a variety of sources in order to reach a truly informed opinion. Luckily we are living a time that is rich in information. The internet allows us to research the most important of issues through a wide variety of different sources. Hopefully, people will begin to grasp that idea and begin to take interest in important issues and doing their own investigative research, and not just listen to what they are told by the talking heads on their television sets.

1 comment:

  1. I think we are literaly so blinded to the medias influence that none of us truly realize its impact on our daily lives. We will never truly be able to comprehend how much it subliminally and obviously effects outcomes and choices.
